Barbara Piccolo, DMD

Family Dentistry

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Teeth Whitening
Coffee not only stains carpets. We provide teeth whitening to erase the effects of coffee, tea, and tobacco.
   Our Cosmetic Procedures

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We've got it covered. Good brushing habits keeps your teeth really healthy.

Our Services

Cosmetic Procedures

Porcelain Veneers

Also called porcelain laminates, veneers are very thin shells or porcelain that are bonded to the teeth to improve the smile, sometimes correcting dark colored or crooked teeth. In many cases you don't have to grind down the natural teeth and there is no need for numbing.

Cosmetic Bonding

Dental bonding is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin material (a durable plastic material) is applied and hardened with a special light, which ultimately "bonds" the material to the tooth to restore or improve person's smile. Resin bonding is among the least expensive cosmetic procedures.

Teeth Whitening

Also called "bleaching", Dr Piccolo makes a custom mouth tray where a small amount of bleaching gel is comfortably worn by the patient at home. The teeth often lighten by several shades, erasing years of coffee, tea and nicotine staining.